Almaciga herbal medicine




Agathus alba (Lam.) Foxw.

Dammara alba Lam.

Agathis loranthifolia Salisb.

Dammara rumphii Presl.

Podocarpus philippeanus Benth.

Agathis borneensis Warb.

Agathis beccarii Warb.

Agathis celebica Warb.

Agathis macrostachys Warb.

Local names: Adiangau (Bik.); alinsago (Ig.); almaciga (Sp.); alintagau (Ig.); aninga (Ig.); anano (S.L., Bis.); anting (Neg.); aringa (Klg.); bagtik (Kuy.); balau (C.Bis.); baltik (Tagb.); bidiangau (P.Bis.); badiangau (P.Bis.); biayo (Bis.); bunsog (Ig.); buntog (Ig.); dadiangau (C.Bis., Tag.); dadungoi (Bik.) dinar (Bag.); gala-gala (Tag., Tagb.); ladiangau (Bik., Tag.); makau (C.Bis.); olinsago (Ig.); salang (Neg.); saleng (Neg.); salong (Tag., Bik.); titau (Ting.); uli (Sbl.) uningat (Ilk.).

Almaciga is almost invariably present in the primary forests, chiefly at medium and higher altitudes, from the Babuyan Islands and northern Luzon to Palawan and Mindanao, and in most other islands and provinces. It also occurs in Indo-China, through the Malay Peninsula, and from the Archipelago to the Moluccas. Continue reading “Almaciga herbal medicine”







Local name: African oil palm (Engl.).


The African oil palm was brought into the Philippines some time the middle of the last century. It is cultivated in the Manila and in larger towns as an ornamental. Seeds of improved strains were introduced by the author in 1938 from Kuala Lumpur and are now grow by the Bureau of Plant Industry. It is grown extensively in west in West Africa, its original home, and in Malaya, Sumatra, Java, India, and the United State.


The trunk is erect, attaining a height of 4 of 10 meters. The leaves are numerous, and 3 to 3.5 meters long. The petioles are broad, and are armed on the sides with spinescent, reduced leaves. The leaflets are numerous, linear-lanceolate, nearly 1 meter long, 2 or 4 meters wide. The male inflorescence in dense, having numerous, cylindric spikes which are 7 to 12 centimeters long and about 1 centimeters in diameters; their rachises excurrent as a stout awn. The female inflorescences is dense, branched, 20 to 30 centimeters long, and the flowers densely disposed. The fruit is borne in large dense masses.


The palm yields two kinds of oil: the palm oil and palm-kernel oil. The palm oil is chiefly used for manufacture of soaps and candles. It consists principally of palmitin and olein. The palm-kernel oil is used for making vegetable butter. According to Burkill the kernel oil consists chiefly of the glyceride of lauric acid, together with palmitic, oleic and myristic acid, some caprylic acids and capric acid and phytosterin. In Africa much wine is made from the trees. For details of chemical constituents, see Wehmer.

The palm is not known medically in the Philippines. However, Caius reports that in Guinea the oil is applied to wounds as a vulnerary. It is used also as a liniment for rheumatism and courbature. The bubis of the Island of Fernando  make an excellent poultice of the oil, which is applied to wounds. In Equatorial West Africa. According to him, the roots are used as a diuretic and the fresh sap, as a laxative.

Source:  BPI

Rice Straw Ash as Good Substitute for Soap

Rice Straw Ash as Good Substitute for Soap


Barrio folks in Northern Luzon, particularly residents of Kapangan, Benguet use rice straw ash

as substitute for soap for working clothes and dishes.



1. Burn rice staw and collect the ashes.

2. Soak ash in water.

3. The dye produced in the collection is the one used for working clothes. Soak dirty clothes here as you do with ordinary soap.

4. Rinse as usual after washing.


Other Uses of Rice Straw Ash

Rice straw ash is also a good remedy for dandruff. Mix the ash with water and use it as shampoo.






Dec. 1980

Beat the Hard Times Make Your Own Soap

Beat the Hard Times Make Your Own Soap

Though there’s a glut of commercial soap in television screens and publications, soap making one activity that could spell big savings for your family.


It’s not a hard work as you would usually imagine. Try the following procedures for 4 kilos of soap. If you have the time and available materials to whip up more bars for your effort, just adjust proportionately the additional materials.


Continue reading “Beat the Hard Times Make Your Own Soap”