Almaciga herbal medicine




Agathus alba (Lam.) Foxw.

Dammara alba Lam.

Agathis loranthifolia Salisb.

Dammara rumphii Presl.

Podocarpus philippeanus Benth.

Agathis borneensis Warb.

Agathis beccarii Warb.

Agathis celebica Warb.

Agathis macrostachys Warb.

Local names: Adiangau (Bik.); alinsago (Ig.); almaciga (Sp.); alintagau (Ig.); aninga (Ig.); anano (S.L., Bis.); anting (Neg.); aringa (Klg.); bagtik (Kuy.); balau (C.Bis.); baltik (Tagb.); bidiangau (P.Bis.); badiangau (P.Bis.); biayo (Bis.); bunsog (Ig.); buntog (Ig.); dadiangau (C.Bis., Tag.); dadungoi (Bik.) dinar (Bag.); gala-gala (Tag., Tagb.); ladiangau (Bik., Tag.); makau (C.Bis.); olinsago (Ig.); salang (Neg.); saleng (Neg.); salong (Tag., Bik.); titau (Ting.); uli (Sbl.) uningat (Ilk.).

Almaciga is almost invariably present in the primary forests, chiefly at medium and higher altitudes, from the Babuyan Islands and northern Luzon to Palawan and Mindanao, and in most other islands and provinces. It also occurs in Indo-China, through the Malay Peninsula, and from the Archipelago to the Moluccas. Continue reading “Almaciga herbal medicine”



Scientific name: Eucalyptus globules


Also known as: Blue gum eucalyptus


Antiseptic and deodorant- apply crushed leaves on affected area.

Cough and asthma- take decoction of leaves as tea.

Insect repellant – burn leaves.



Volatile oil , cineol, d-alpha pinene, camphene, fenchene, butyric acid and capronic aldehydes , ethyl, amyl, and iso amyl alcohols, acetic acid, cymol, sesquiterpene, eudesmol, 1-pinocarveol.


Source: National formulary