Ricardo M. Lantican- Filipino Scientist


Ricardo M. Lantican

For his research on cytoplasmic inheritance of hypersensitivity to a disease in maize, a discovery that has created an awareness among biologists of the importance of genetic diversity as a weapon against environmental adversities.

Dr. Lantican’s efforts in plant breeding, more specifically in the development of varietal resistance and the improvement of plant structure and morphology, have paved the way for the release of outstanding varieties. These varieties are now being commercially grown by farmers in the Philippines, parts of Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Asia. The new plant structure developed in mungbean through his effort and that of his team has resulted in doubling of yields. The plant types evolved in the Philippines were heavily used as parents in the breeding program of the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) in Taiwan.

Source:Directory of academicians and outstanding young scientists

Picture of Ricardo M. Lantican

Quirino Navarro – Filipino Scientist


Quirino O. Navarro

A significant contribution of Dr. Navarro to science is the determination of nuclear property n the isotopes of californium, einsteinium and dysprosium using cryogenic techniques. His findings were cited in two books and three international tomes of nuclear science and later confirmed at the University of California at Berkeley with the use of advanced instrumentation. Dr. Navarro has also worked on neutron spectrometry and crystallography and electronics and instrumentation process.

source:Directory of academicians and outstanding young scientists

Picture of Quirino Navarro

Melecio S. Magno – Filipino Scientist


Melencio S. Magno

Dr. Magno has done studies on the absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy of crystals, specifically rare-earth crystals; effects of typhoons on the distribution of atmospheric ozone; sky luminosity; atmospheric radiation; gravitation; and the philosophy of science. He is a co-author of University Physics, a textbook in physics at the University of the Philippines.

Dr. Magno was UP Endownment Professorial Chair holder in physics from 1973-1976 and reciepient of a UNDP-WMO Fellowship in environmental physics and ozone research in 1974. He became Vice-President for Academic Affairs at the UP in 1975. In 1976, Dr. Magno was appointed Chairman of the National Science development Board (NSDB), and in 1978, when the NSDB became a ministry; he became the first Minister of Science.

Directory of academicians and outstanding young scientists

Clare R. Baltazar – Filipino Scientist

Clare R. Baltazar- Filipino Scientist


Dr. Baltazar has consistently maintained outstandingly high standards of achievement throughout her academic life. Her numerous publications on Philippine insects especially on the Philippine Hymenoptera are very significant to science for they lay the groundwork for future biological control in the Philippines. Her book Philippine Insects is the first authoritative text on Philippine insects. Other important contributions of Dr. Baltazar to science are the discoveries of 8 and one subgenus of Hymenoptera and 108 new species of the Philippine parasitic wasps.


For these achievement, Dr. Baltazar is well recognized here and abroad. In 1980, she received the Rizal Pro Patria Award in entomology.

source: Directory of academicians and outstanding young scientists