Biological pesticides

Biological pesticides


The use of commercial pesticides kills; not only the target insect pests, but also beneficial

insects like spider, grasshoppers and others. Besides this, it leaves residues in the plant

where it is sprayed, and is harmful to the person spraying. If inhaled, pesticide can cause

cancer in the long run.


Pesticides chemically prepared are expensive; we have plants that naturally repel harmful

insect at no cost, such as:


1. Wild pepper – dried and pulverized

– Spray on infected plants. When this becomes moist from dew, insect pests are repelled.


2. Combination of 3 pieces of garlic, 2 pieces pepper, and 2 piece onions grind and pulverize

these, soak overnight in water. By next morning, fill up the water to make 3 gallons. Strain and

spray on affected plants.

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1. Stunted growth seen in the size and shape of the leaves.

2. Yellowing of the leaves toward the bottom of plant while those toward the top are green.

3. Leaves are pale to yellow until they get dried.

4. Formerly thick leaves becomes thinner



1. Over grown leaves

2. soft body, water and attracts insects and diseases



1. The plant does not grow.

2. Leaves are pale , then turn dark green.

3. Red stains appear on the leaves, or dark red or purple at the base or middle of the leaves.

4. Leaves turn light ash green with burnt edges if the deficiency is severe.



1. Leaves turn ash gray, especially toward the end.

2. Stems are weak, easily break such as in corn and sorghum

3. Harvest is poor

4. Edges and base of leaves appear burnt and shriveled, and turn yellow to brown among

mature leaves.


Dyes from Philippine Plants

Dyes from Philippine Plants

Dyeing using different plants has been a traditional practice. However, with the invention of
artificial dyes and modern dyeing practices, such use of dyes from plants was soon
There are many Philippine plants which are good source of dyes — either bark or wood.
There are plants which are naturally rich in tannic acid or tannin which is used in dyeing
leather, wood or textile, such as: kamachili, bakauan, red white lauan, tangal, ipil-ipil, coconut
husk and others. The common procedure of extracting dyes is as follows:
1. Boil the ground or chopped bark in uncovered cooking pot with just enough water to cover
the barks.
2. Boil to 60° C-80° C with with continuous stirring.
3. After an hour, strain in wire screen and replace water in the cooking pot.
Repeat 1-3 until water becomes pale in color.
4. The water used in second or third boiling could be used for the next fresh barks.
5. Mix all the water used for boiling and boil them altogether until you get a dark colored dye.

Source:Selected R&D Projects (Completed) NSDB
Tukno Tulong

Nursery Plant Pots from Coconut Coir

Nursery Plant Pots from Coconut Coir

Plants grow faster in pots made of coconut husk with coconut dust than in soil. For example,
nursery plants like:
1. Asparagus springerie – grown in coconut husk with equal amounts of dust and swine
marine had more cuttings than those planted in rice field with swine manure.
2. Anthurium – more flowers per plant.
3. Dracaena fragrans (leafy plant) – increased roots
4. Mussaendes – longer roots (with spagnum moss and coconut) during marcotting.
5. Amherstia nobilis – faster marcotting even without the use of growth hormones.
Balitang Pambukid
May 1987

Tekno Tulong