Free 3G service

This is week has been a very promising week for the techie community. After DOTC announces that they are studying the plan to make texting free another goods news had emerged. According to the news the latest player in the telecommincation, CURE – Connectivity Unlimited Resource Enterprise is planning to create a free 3G service for the mobile people. In this scheme free calls, text and internet will be offered for those who will agree to receive mobile advertising. The promo is dubbed “U mobile”

If this would be a reality in the near future for sure DSL and wireless internet prices will go down another notch and this is a welcome news for everyone.



a fatful husband ws drunk,

he dsnt knw wt

ws hapenin around him..

upon goin home, he

directly enterd

d rum&slept…


came, wd d

amze on hs

face, evrtng s n

ordr, a tblet

of asprin & a

glas of wter

wd a


hon, il jz buy


ur bfast! iloveu”

he ws wondrin

y ws dt so..

he askd hs

son, “wt hpnd

lstnyt? Ur mom

shud b angry”

son rplyd,

“mom tried 2

unclothe u, but

u sed…

stop! Im
