When ever i use OLX and find an item that i like i would usually check the feedback system to prevent myself being scammed. If the person have a lot of good feedback then it is a possibility that the seller is legit. I also check if these feedbacks are legit. If the seller and the account of the person which is doing a feedback was created within the same month then i assume the seller is in a gray area. It is a possibility that the seller is also the one making a feedback on his/her account. So far due to the feedback system I was never scammed in OLX. Continue reading “OLX no more feedback system”
Philippine’s as a wifi country
This project by ICTO-DOST i think started way back 2012 and around 2013 trials were done in visaya’s region. They used the TVWS or television white space, this a part of the television frequency which is unused. This unused frequency will be the backbone of the wifi signal.
RCA HDTV Plus mahiwagang black box
Another isdb-t tv tuner or commonly known as “mahiwagang black box” is making a noise… RCA HDTV plus DV1402 is being sold by this site http://hdtvplus.com.ph/ and they also have affiliated store on which you can check the item before buying the RCA HDTV plus DV1402. Although, a lot are questioning the authenticity of the said item if it is really an “RCA” product but for some the introductory price of 1,695 pesos is well worth it regardless either it is authentic or not. Continue reading “RCA HDTV Plus mahiwagang black box”
When to buy an LTE antenna
When to buy an LTE antenna
Smart and Globe telecoms are now LTE capable service provider but both have limited coverage. So before buying an LTE antenna to boost your speed here are a few tips before spending your money for an LTE antenna.
Check your gadget if it is LTE capable or LTE ready , using an LTE sim into a cellphone or gadget doesn’t make your cellphone or gadget LTE ready. If your gadget is not LTE capable then don’t bother to buy an LTE antenna.