Angel Locsin donating her Chevrolet Chevelle for typhoon Yolanda’s victim

Angel Locsin donating her Chevrolet Chevelle

Her name is not Angel for no reason.  My dream girl shows her compassion for the victim of typhoon Yolanda by auctioning her very own Chevrolet Chevelle.  As per news, she wanted the auction of her car to be anonymous but due to some blind items and netizens that persistent in connecting the dots  have unravelled the true owner of the Cheverolet Chevelle and it is non other that Ms. Angel Locsin. Continue reading “Angel Locsin donating her Chevrolet Chevelle for typhoon Yolanda’s victim”

Storm Surge and Yolanda lesson to learn

Storm Surge and Yolanda


Reading the news about storm surge and how people in affected areas  repeatedly says that it is a tsunami  makes me wonder , is technicality important in a would be catastrophe?   In a twitter post By Mahar Lagmay “Kung sinabi namin na may tsunami sa 100 sites, nagtakbuhan ang mga tao, at hindi nangyari, ano sasabihin ng tao?”  As per Mr. Mahar Lagmay, who heads the government weather information dissemination website Project Noah, the storm surge warning is accurate although people are unfamiliar within.

To be fair with PAGASA the forecast is accurate but everyone was overwhelmed with the power of the storm. Everyone underestimated the storm.

High death toll due to Super Storm Yolanda who’s to blame?

On the first  few hours of typhoon Yolanda our government is very optimistic that there is minimal casualties  but just after a day the true scenario was revealed. A lot of dead bodies ,  more than hundreds and expected to reach up to 10 thousand. Who is to blame? The national government that reiterated from time to time that people in low lying areas should evacuate? The local government that  are into automatic mode, the usual preparation for typhoon, evacuate and seek refuge in Churches, School , gymnasium etc. The ordinary Juan who would rather stay at home and protect his properties against looters?

This time around our assets as resilient  people have bitten us in the ass , we believe that we are resilient people that we could overcome any adversary and so as they say “give me your best shot baby” i will stand by here in my shanty Palace… And Yolanda whoop us in the ass left and right to the point we can barely walk.

Stubbornness is different from being resilient, please be advised  that if nature will strike better move over…

I am not saying that all that have died are stubborn people there are just a few who did not listen to the advise of our local government yet now they are pointing fingers at their official accusing them of incompetent etc…

In reality  death is inevitable if your facing a category 5 typhoon /storm but it could have been much lower if only we listen to calls for evacuation, moving to higher grounds and to pray.