Alikbangon herbal medicine




Commelina nudiflora Linn.

Tradescantia cristata Naves


Local names: Alibangon (Tag.); bangar-an-lalaki (If.); gatiking (Bon.); katkatauang (Bon.); kitkitauang (Bon.); kohasi (Iv.); kalasi (Ilk.); kulkul-lasi (Ilk.).


Alikbangon is found throughout the Philippines in open grasslands, waste places etc. at low and medium altitudes. It is pantropic in distribution.

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Alibungog herbal medicine




Ehretia beurreria Blanco

Ehretia blancoi A. DC.


Local names: Aliboñgog (Ism.); alibuñgog (C. Bis.); anonangin (Bik.); bayukon (Tag.); halimumog (Tag.); kalamuñgog (P. Bis.); kutup (Sul.); liñguñgug (Mbo.); ludungla (Bon.); salimomo (Tag.); talibobong (Bik.).


Alibuñgog is an endemic species found in thickets and forest at low and medium altitudes from the Babuyan Islands and northern Luzon to Palawan and Mindanao.


This is a small tree growing to a height of 5 meters or more with crooked branches and smooth and slender branchlets. The leaves are alternate, oblong-ovate to broadly lanceolate, about 10 centimeters long and 4.5 centimeters wide, entire, pointed at the tip, and somewhat rounded at the base. The inflorescences are usually terminal, and most equal the leaves in length. The flowers are white and fragrant, and clustered upon short pedicels. The calyx is small and ovately segmented. The corolla is somewhat enlarged at the cylindric base, with its narrow lobes ultimately reflexed. The fruit is rounded, about 3 millimeters in diameter, juicy, and orange with a reddish tinge when mature. Continue reading “Alibungog herbal medicine”




The scientific name of banato is mallotus philippensis. Other variety is called Croton philippinense, echinus philippinensis.

Other name for banato are apuyo, buas, darandang, kamala, panagisen, panagisian, pangaplasin, pikal, rottlera, sala, tafu, tagusala and tutula.


Leaves and seeds are used as herbal medicine.  For dermal fungal infection pound leaves or seeds and apply on affected areas.

Active component of banato are rottlerin (reddish-yellow resin), 47-80%, fixed oil, 5-24% citric acid, mallotoxin, and kamalin.

uses of balatong


The scientific name of balatong are Glycine max, Glycine hispida maxim, Glycine soja,  Soja max piper, Soja hispida Moench.

In tagalong we call it utau and in English it is called soybean


Usually as a herbal medicine the bean and root is used.

For cuts and laceration the decoction of roots is used as wash.


Fixed oil, 14-22%; protein, 50% ; carbohydrate, 16.2% diastase; urease, lipase, allantoinase; peroxidise; pentosans; sojasterol; sitosterin; phasin.


Source Philippine Formulary