Alikbangon herbal medicine




Commelina nudiflora Linn.

Tradescantia cristata Naves


Local names: Alibangon (Tag.); bangar-an-lalaki (If.); gatiking (Bon.); katkatauang (Bon.); kitkitauang (Bon.); kohasi (Iv.); kalasi (Ilk.); kulkul-lasi (Ilk.).


Alikbangon is found throughout the Philippines in open grasslands, waste places etc. at low and medium altitudes. It is pantropic in distribution.

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ALABONG – diuretic




Parietaria microphylla Linn.

Pilea muscosa Lindl.

Local names: Alabong (Ig.).


Alabong is found in and about towns, on damp walls, etc., throughout the Philippines. It is a native of tropical America, and is now found in most tropical countries.

It is a small, soft, smooth herb, 10 centimeters or less in height. The stems are slender, green with a tint of purple, and angular. The leaves occur in two rows, are petioled, somewhat elliptical in shape, and 2 to 5 millimeters in length. The flowers are very small and crowded and occur in small inflorescences (cymes) which are greenish or tinged with red and less than 1 millimeter in length.

Bruntz and Jaloux report that the entire plant is official in the Mexican (4) Pharmacopoeia.

According to Guerrero the entire plant in infusion is used as a diuretic. De Grosourdy reports that in the Antilles a decoction of the roots sweetened is prescribed also as a diuretic



Agor – herbal medicine




Scirpus miliaceus Linn.

Scirpus niloticus Blanco

Trichelostylis miliacea Nees & Arn.

Isolepis miliacea Presl


Local names: Agor (Tag.); gumi (Pang.); sirau-sirau (Ilk.); sirisi-buyas (Bik.); taulat (Tag.); ubod-ubod (Tag.).


Agor is a characteristic paddy weed found throughout the Philippines in open, wet places. It is pantropic in distribution.


Agor is tufted, slender, glabrous, rather flaccid annual, 40 to 60 centimeters high. The leaves are basal, distichous, up to 40 centimeters in length. The umbels are decompound, rather lax and diffuse, and 6 to 10 centimeters long. The spikelets are small, globose, 2 to 2.5 millimeters long, pale or brown, mostly slenderly pedicelled, some sessile. The nuts are obovoid, 0.5 millimeter long.

According to Burkill and Haniff the Malays sometimes use the leaves for poulticing in fever.

Source: BPI

Dayap herbal medicine


Scientific names:

Citrus aurantiolia, Citrus acida, Citrus acidissima, citrus  bergamia, citrus excels, citrus javanica, citrus lima, citrus limetta, citrus notissima, limonia acidissima, limonia aurantifolia , limonia spinosum.


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