

Scientific name: plumeria acutifolia, plumeria acuminate, plumeria alba blanco.


Also known as:

Frangipani, kachuchi, kalachuche, kalanuche, kalasasi, kalasusi, kalonoche, karachucha, karatuche, temple flower.



Arthritis and rheumatism- mix the latex( sap) with coconut oil, warm, and apply on affected area.

Itching (without open lesion) mix the latex (sap) with coconut oil and apply on affected area.

Active component:

Plumierid, agoniadin, plumieric acid, cerotinic acid, lupeol.


Source: national formulary

Kalamansi herbal medicine



Scientific name: Citrus micracarpa, Citrus mitis blanco, citrus medica


Also known as:

Aldonisis, calamondin, calamunding, Chinese orange, panama orange.



Aromatic bath – mix juice with gugo.

Bleaching agent- cut fruit and apply directly on freckles.

Cough and sorethroat- drink warm kalamsi-aide.

Nausea and fainting- squeeze rind near nostrils for patient to inhale.


Active component

Rind- sesquiterpenes, beta-pinene, linalool, linalyl acetate, glucoside, cyanogenetic substance


Source: National formulary

Kakawati herbal medicine


Scientific name: Gliricidia sepium, Gliricidia maculate, galedupa pungam , milletia luzoniensis, milletia splendidissima.


Also known as:

Kakaoati, madrecacao, madre de cacao, madre kakau, mandiri kakau.


Itching- apply juice or decoction of leaves, bark, or roots on then skin as antipruritic.

Counterirritant- Crush leaves and apply as poultice for rheumatic pain and close fractures.


Active component:



Source:  national formulary


Kakaw herbal medicine


Scientific name: Theobroma cacao


Other name : Cacao, cocoa,


Part used: seed



Dry skin and dry eczema – roast seed, pound and apply on affected parts.

Food- as chocolate food or drink.


Active component:

Fixed oil, theobromine, glucose, saccharose, glucoside, cacarine.


Source: national formulary