Bingo Orange Cream Filled Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Ice Cream Rolls -ASMR | FILIPINO SNACK


Bingo Orange Cream Filled Chocolate Sandwich Cookies Ice Cream Roll – ASMR Bingo is a product of Monde Nissin

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How to make chocolate

From Cacao to Chocolate: Sweets in a Swift

Converting cacao seeds into chocolate is a multifaceted and protracted process.

By Hans Audric Estialbo


Unknown to many-especially those who merely frequent chocolate with silver wrappings, crisp cashews on brown bags and Valentine’s Day- chocolate, before it becomes that, entails time, energy, and artistry. Turning cacao seeds into this delectable dessert which we have loved for years now is much of a quest than having it just melts in one’s mouth.

Converting cacao seeds into chocolate is a multifaceted and protracted process. A single chocolate bar can take anywhere from two to four days or more to make. The absorbing process that takes one from muggy rain forests to lustrous factories maybe as easy as doing the ABCs but mastering it by heart is tricky. Farmers grow cacao, harvest, ferment, and dry it by hand. Traders and import/export houses sell the seeds on the coffee, sugar and cocoa exchange/ market to companies that process the seeds into various chocolate products. Continue reading “How to make chocolate”

Kakaw herbal medicine


Scientific name: Theobroma cacao


Other name : Cacao, cocoa,


Part used: seed



Dry skin and dry eczema – roast seed, pound and apply on affected parts.

Food- as chocolate food or drink.


Active component:

Fixed oil, theobromine, glucose, saccharose, glucoside, cacarine.


Source: national formulary

Cacao Growing


Cacao Growing


Cacao is an important crop around the world.

                In the Philippines however, local cacao production is not enough to meet local demand. As a result, local prices, as in the world market, are continually on the rise.

                Locally, very few have ventured into large-scale cacao production, leaving local manufacturers of chocolate almost entirely reliant on imported cacao beans. If cacao can be grown more extensively, the country will save millions of dollars in foreign exchange.

                Research shows that large-scale cacao production through intercropping with coconut is feasible. Farmers used to shy away from this practice because of the belief that the pod rot disease of cacao is caused by the same fungus that causes bud rot in coconut. Experience and laboratory experiments have disproved such beliefs.

                Cacao beans have many uses. From its raw form, the beans are processed into cacao, either sweetened or unsweetened. They are also processed into liquor, butter, cake powder, paste, chocolate bars, candies, and confectioneries. Cacao serves as flavoring for pastries and ice cream and as raw material in the preparation of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products.

Continue reading “Cacao Growing”