Work in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Work in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Most Filipino dream to work abroad. And one easy ticket for them is to work as a nurse abroad. But unknown to many another in-demand work abroad is in the agricultural sector. Working in an agricultural scenario is not what most foreigners want to do and for this reason shortage in this sector continues to increase. And one way their government address this shortage is by hiring foreign worker.

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand usually hire agricultural workers from the Philippines, one reason is because our fluency in English and also our character being diligent in work. The only requirement you need is two years experience in your field and college education is not required. Best of all, most of the time the hiring company will shoulder all expenses.

So, if you plan to work abroad , why not search for works relating to agricultural industry.

Air Car

[youtube QmqpGZv0YT4]

Air car

Is it possible to run a car by using air alone? Well, as per the video above you still need a liter or gallon of gasoline to run a compressed air car. But compared to the current all gasoline car this is a huge savings!

Watch and learn! And for the Filipino inventors, hope you could invent one that runs in pure air. I remember in one talk show in ANC they have interviewed an inventor who is currently working on a generator that runs on pure air. So, maybe the technology could be adapted to a car.