BCNHS scandal video

BCNHS Sex scandal video

A few days back a survey revealed that Filipino youths are now more sexually active today compared to 10 years ago. The increase is being attributed to new media via internet, social media and cellphones on that the perception to premarital sex or liberal sexual attitudes as an acceptable norm.

Just recently, a scandal video of a 14 year old girl with a 20 year old boy/man was circulating the net.  The said video was taken inside the campus of BCNHS or Bacolod city national high school hence, it being called in social media as BCNHS scandal.  The school principal was informed by the parents of the girl about the video that is circulating on the net. The principal apologizes about this incident and is now contemplating to ban cellphones with camera inside school premises .

6 thoughts on “BCNHS scandal video”

  1. its awfully done with those student, as in the park and in a broad daylight? were is the school guard during those times? seen it on youtube bcnhs sex escapade. anybody can confirm if that video is legit?

  2. @Anonymous, may bullshit ka pang nalalaman, kahit common sense wala ka.
    malamang natanggal na sa internet yung mga video, sa susunod utak ang gamitin mo para makapagisip hindi bayag mo, tanga!

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