Peanut Production Technology – part 3



·         Using a peg-toothed harrow, cultivate or off bar 10-15 days after emergence to control weeds.

·         If needed, hill up at 25-30 days after emergence to ensure easier penetration of pegs into soil and proper formation of pods particularly in clay soil. However, hilling up may promote build up of Sclerotium roltisii which causes stem rot disease and sprouting of early developed pods.

·         Avoid cultivating at the peak flowering and pegging stages to prevent abortion of first open flowers and disturbance of pod formation.

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Peanut Production Technology – part 2

What are the Cultural Management Practices for Peanut in the Region?


Land Preparation


·         Peanut requires a well-prepared field for good seed emergence. Thorough land preparation is also necessary for proper development of pods and effective weed control.

·         Plow and harrow the field 2-3 times at an interval of 7 days. Each harrowing should consist of two passes.

·         The frequency of plowing and harrowing depends on soil type, weed population, and land utilization during the previous season. Clay loam soils with low weed population.

·         Just before planting, set furrows at a distance of 40-50 cm during the dry season and 50-60 cm during the wet season at 15-20 cm between hills.

·         Furrow when the soil has the right moisture for planting. Soil has the right moisture when it does not stick to the plow during the operation.


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Peanut Production Technology – part 1

Peanut Production Technology

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.), locally known as mani, is the most widely grown field legume in Region 2. It is usually cultivated in the river flood plains and other upland areas. In 2006, the total area planted to peanut in Region 2 was 3,311 hectares (ha) with a total production of 3,579 tons (t) unshelled pods. This averages to 1.08 t/ha which is slightly higher than the national average production of 1.05 t/ha. However, farmers in Damurong, Alcala, and Cagayan have an average yield of 1.90 t/ha during the dry season under normal conditions.


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