Cultivating the aromatic garlic

Cultivating the aromatic garlic

Garlic (Allium sativum) has long been used as a culinary spice and medicinal herb. It is believed to have originated in Central Asia for over 5,000 years ago. Its fine aroma and distinct taste make garlic an export winner crop. There are about 300 varieties of garlic all over the world. Garlic is classified based on its origin and morphological features. Several types of garlic include: true garlic (predominantly from China), hard neck varieties (Asiatic type) and soft neck varieties. In the Philippines the varieties of garlic being planted fall under the soft neck varieties that are often cultivated in the provinces of Ilocos , Batanes, Mindoro and Batangas. Aside from its versatility as a culinary bulb, garlic production and economic opportunities for the Filipino farmers.

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The growing Philippine Vegetable Industry: Obstacles and Opportunities

With the enactments of the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) in 1997, the Philippine agricultural sector has been modernizing rapidly, establishing itself as the center of the country’s economy- with a 25% Gross Domestic Product (GDP) contribution and employing 505 of the labor force. However, the industry as a whole continues to exist as units of small, individually-functioning farms, most of which are producing fruits and vegetables for home consumption or as small-time alternative income source.

Vegetables as part of Filipino subsistence, be it as food or as source of livelihood cannot be underminded. All 43 kinds and 250 lesser known species of Philippine vegetables are important sources of minerals, vitamins, fiber and proteins. In the crop category, vegetable ranks second to ornamentals in terms of income generated per unit area and time. Moreover it is widely used as an intercrop for coonut and fruits trees, and as a components of other cropping systems. Ironically, per capita consumption is quite low at 39 kilograms considering that the recommended intake is 69 kilograms.

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The scientific name of bawang is Allium sativum . It is also known as Ajos in bisaya and garlic in English. As a medicinal plant the bulb and the leaves are mostly used.

For arthritis and rheumatism p crush several cloves(butyl) and rub on affected areas.

For headache- crush one clove and apply to both temples as poultice.

For hypertension- eat fresh leaves and bulbs as vegetable or chew cloves alone or with food.

Insect bite- cut crosswise one clove and rub directly on affected areas.

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Garlic grows well in clay, alluvial and sandy loam soils. Sandy loam, properly  applied with fertilizer, generally produces big, compact and heavy bulbs of good quality. Heavier soils such as clay loam also give profitable yields if they are cultivated and fertilized properly. Garlic requires cool weather during the early stage of growth thus it is best to plant them on the months of October and November.

Prepare the pieces of cloves in the afternoon, the day before planting. Carefully separate the cloves from each other, taking care not to injure them. Choose only the big pieces for planting. Soak the cloves for two minutes in a solution of Malathion (prepared by mixing three tablespoonfuls in five gallons of water). Treating the cloves with Malathion would kill the microscopic mites that cause “tangle top,” a common garlic disease. Drain off the solution and put the cloves in a clean container for planting.


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