For efficient and productive duck breeding operation, consider the following tips recommended by  experts from the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research in Los Baños, Laguna.


1. Maintain the proper ratio of male to female ducks in a breeding shed or kamalig. Put in one drake for every five to 10 female ducks. Keep extra drakes in a separate shed in case some male breeders die of diseases or become unproductive.

2. The drakes can be distinguished from the females by their voice and appearance. Females `quack’ while drakes provide a hissing sound. Drakes have curly tail features.

3. If possible, the drakes should be one month older than the female ducks. This is to ensure that the males are ready for mating during the breeding season.

4. Choose drakes and females alike with well-developed bodies and good conformation. They should be healthy, have a good set of feathers and with keen, alert eyes. Do not select those that are obviously sickly and thin.


Source: Phil. Farmer’s Journal March 1981

Swine raising business / Hog Production Business

Swine raising business / Hog Production Business

Swine raising is an age old backyard business in the Philippines. Currently about 70% of the swine industry is composed of small raiser / backyard raisers. And way back 2004 the Philippines is in the top 20 countries in terms of sow population. It only shows how we Filipino love to eat pork. And swine raising is a good business or sideline to invest .

There are many breeds of swine in the Philippines, the most common are landrace, largewhite, pietrain and duroc.

Landrace are good sows. They are white in color and have slender, long body and an ears that are drooping. They produce good litters and they are also good milkers. Sometimes they have weak legs.

Largewhite are also good sow/mother. They are more rounded and have ears which are erect. They are also white and in color.

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