Medicinal Papaya



One of the most common fruit trees, papaya can be found in tropical and sub-tropical countries and usually grows in lowlands. A typically small tree, it can grow from 3 to 6 meters high. Its fleshy fruit comes from the female flowers and can grow from 5 to 30 cm. big. It is yellow or yellowish-orange when mature, with black seeds embedded in the pulp. The parts used as fruits, leaves and latex of trunk and fruit.


For constipation:


Get the ripe fruit of the tree. Eat the fruit liberally. Yellowing of the skin, especially the palms and soles may occur but this is harmless.


For foul wounds:


Get the latex of the trunk of the fruit. Apply this to the wound and let it say for 15 minutes before washing it off. Do this once a day.


For rheumatism:


From the bruised papaya leaves, prepare a heated mass (poultice). Apply the poultice in areas where rheumatism occurs.


Source: Mga Halamang Gamot, No. 4

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