Scientific names:
Curcuma longa, Curcuma domestica, curcuma xanthorrhiza naves.
Also known as:
Angai, dulau, kalabaga, kalauag, kinamboi, kulalo, kulyau, kunig, kunik, kuning, lampuyang, lauag, long turmeric, luyang dilaw, luyang dilau, pangas, parak, round turmeric, salampauyan, turmeric.
Part used:
Indication and direction for use:
Antiseptic for wounds- Crush rhizome and apply on lesion.
Gas pain (tympanism) in adults – take decoction of the rhizome as tea.
Condiments and coloring agent for foods.
Volatile oil, turnerol, d-alpha phellandrene, carvone, camphor, curcumone, fat, starch, resin, curcumin.
Source:National formulary