


The carrot is one of the principal vegetables in the market for its rich content of carotene,

Vitamins C and B besides calcium, iron and phosphorus. This may be eaten cooked or raw. In

other countries, the carrots is also used as medicine. In Mexico, carrot is boiled in milk to give

relief against cough and painful chest. In Europe, boiled carrot is known for its cure for

jaundice. And if eaten raw, it drives out intestinal parasites.




In the Philippines, carrot grows in high altitudes. It likes fertile, loose soil that does not retain

water. It dislikes sea water and hardly grows in soil with a high boron content.


1. The land for planting carrot must be prepared- fine and not in clumps.

2. Holes for sowing the seeds must be about 2 cm, and 20 cm apart.

3. The seeds are sown directly on the ground.

4. After sowing the seeds, cover them with fine soil. they will germinate within 3 weeks after planting. Good planting

time is between October-December when there is rain.

5. Don’t plant in areas where water stays because this will cause the roots and fruits to rot. But the plant also needs

watering while it grows to make the fruit well developed.

6. The best fertilizer is compost, but if chemical fertilizer will be used, it is recommended that NPK 90+170+90 be

broadcast over the field for every hectare before planting, and during rainy days.

7. Do the same during dry weather.

8. In planting, apply half of the nitrogen and all of the phosphorous and potassium on the soil. Apply the remaining

half 4-6 weeks after planting. If animal manure will be used, apply 8-10 tons per hectare and supplement with complete fertilizer.

8. Reduce the leaves when the plants are 15 cm high and already sturdy.

9. Put thin soil at the base of the plant to prevent the greening of the shoulder of the crop.

Source:tekno tulong

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