Alambrillo herbal medicine





Local names: Alambrillo (Sp., Tag.); culantrillo de pozo, culantrillo de alambre (Sp., Tag.).

Alambrillo is found in the Philippines in Bataan Island and Luzon (Nueva Vizcaya, Bontoc, Benguet, and Laguna Provinces).


The stipes are suberect and rather slender, 10 to 20 centimeters long, polished and blackish. The fronds are bipinnate, with a short terminal pinna and numerous erect lateral ones on each side; the segments (pinnae) are 1 to 2.5 centimeters broad, the base being cuneate and the outer edge rounded. The sori are roundish, situated in the roundish sinuses of the crenations.


The leaves are official in the French (1-4); Austrian (1,5-7); Belgian (1-3); Croatico-Slavonica (1); Danish (1,3); Spanish (1-7); German (1-3); Hungarian (1,2); Portuguese (2,3); Rumanian (1-3); Russian (1,2); Serbian (1); Swedish (1); Swiss (1-4) Pharmacopoeias.

In the Philippines the fronds are used in the treatment of chest diseases. They are also used as an emmenagogue. Hooper says that in Iraq and Iran the rhizomes are credited with expectorant properties and are given to relieve difficult respiration and spasms in whooping cough. In Mexico, Martinez reports its use as an aperitive, and diuretic, and as an emmenagogue. Rolet and Bouret say that it is astringent. A syrup of the rhizome is used as an expectorant.


Kirtikar and Basu state that in the Punjab the leaves, along with pepper, are administered as a febrifuge, and that in South India, when prepared with honey, they are used in catarrhal affections. These two authorities quote Rose (Useful Plants of Mexico) in saying that in Colomas this plant is used as a tea to relieve colic. In Indo-China, Crevost and Petelot report that it is used as an emollient and as an expectorant.


Source: BPI

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