



Local names: Adlabong (Ig.); balyongyong (Bon.); balinyungyung (Bon.); katlabung (Ig.); kanyuong (Ig.); luñgog-luñgog (Bon.); subasob (Bon.).

Adlabong occurs in these Islands only in Bontoc, Ifugao, Benguet, Lepanto Subprovinces; and Zambales Provinces in Luzon, in damp thickets and ravines, at an altitude of 1,200 to 2,300 meters. It also occurs in India.

This tall, erect, much branched, somewhat hairy herb grows from 1.5 to 3 meters in height. The leaves, resembling those of tobacco, are narrowly obovate-lanceolate, the lower ones being 30 centimeters in length and 5 centimeters in width, while the upper ones gradually become smaller; all are smooth or nearly so above and hairy or smooth beneath. The flowers are large, white, and borne in terminal compound inflourescences. The calyx-tube is smooth or hairy, with linear teeth about 1.2 centimeters long, and smooth or hairy. The capsules are 2-celled, somewhat rounded, and about 1.5 centimeters in diameter. The seeds are numerous very small, ellipsoid, and compressed.

Wehmer records that two alkaloids have been isolated from this plant by Dragendoff and Rosen [Pharm. Z. Russl. 25 (1886) 253], one of which is lobeliin.

In the Pharmacopoeia of India as infusion of the leaves is said to be used as an antispasmodic. Dymock reports that the dry herb, when handled, is extremely acrid, the dust irritating the throat and nostrils like tobacco.

Kirtikar and Basu quote Lisboa, who states that they are preferred to contain an acro-narcotic poison, and that they are preferred to Datura as a poison in India, when a rapid effect is desired

Source: BPI

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