Breaking Potato tuber Dormancy

Breaking Potato tuber Dormancy or Pagpapatubo


Planting of sprouted seed tubers result in early and uniform emergence. The dormancy of potato seed tubers may be broken by various methods:

  1. Use fluctuating temperature. Bring tubers to a warmer area for a short period before returning them to the farm or storage room. This could be done by holding tubers above the cooking areas.
  2. Use chemicals such as calcium carbide (CaC2) and gibberellic acid (GA3).

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Storage of seed potato

Storage of seed potatoes


The recommended storage for seed tubers is diffused light store (DLS). Tubers are placed in chiting trays, racks or shelves in a building or storage where light can pass through  transparent plastic sheets or fibreglass walls.

Sprouts from DLS have study sprouts. Sprouts from dark storage have long ad etiolated sprouts that are susceptible to damages during handling.

Vacant rooms or unused buildings can be renovated to serve as a diffused light store.

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Chemical fertilizer application

Rules on the application of chemical fertilizers


For best result, the application of the fertilizers must be done in the right way. To use fertilizer scantily in efforts at thrift only result in harvest poorer than if no fertilizer had been used.


Manner of applying fertilizer and lime


A.      Lowland Rice


1. Broadcast the recommended quantity of phosphate with one-half of the nitrogen fertilizer.

Do this before leveling the rice field before transplanting seedlings.


2. Broadcast the remaining half of the nitrogen fertilizer three(3) weeks before the flowering of the play. Do this when the leaves of the play are dry.

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