There are two kinds of bell pepper- one is the pungent kind and the other not. The first is used

in food manufacturing where they are processes as spice and sold as food condiments. The

other, non pungent, is the ordinary kind sold in markets.

A hectare of pepper can accommodate 27,600 plants that are about 60 cm apart from each



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Planting pepper is a lifetime livelihood if well developed. If the soil is good and care is good,

thequality of the harvest is likewise good and so commands a good price in the market. When

harvest is poor, even the stems of this plant, when dried, can also be used and sold including

the chaff when powdered. Although these are not so strong in taste as the fruit itself, they are

nevertheless sought because of the aroma they to the food. So even the powdered pulp get



Continue reading “Paminta”

Black Pepper Farming

Raking Profits from Black Pepper Farming

By Henrylito Tacio

Black pepper (Piper nigrum linn.), known locally as paminta or pimiento is one of those neglected crops grown in the Philippines. It is used extensively by food manufacturers as a seasoning agent in the preparation of both exquisite and everyday dishes. As a spice, it makes food tste better. It is essential in local dishes like “kilawin,””lauya,” “mami,” “pnasit,” “adobo,” “mechado,” and many other preparations.

Unknown to many Filipino farmers, black pepper – being a tropical plant, – can be grown profitably in many areas of the country where the soil is well-drained and fertile. It grows better under partial shade than in an open field, a characteristic that makes the plant good for backyard farming. It can laso be grown between coffee and cacao trees. Most Black pepper farms are found in Batangas, Lagauna, Quezon, Negros  Occidental, Zamboanga and Davao.

“There are four varieties of black pepper.” Says the Davao-based Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center (MBLRC)  foundation, referring to large-leafed, small-leafed, tall , and short. “ You can plant any of these varieties in your farm or backyard.”

According to the MBRLC, black pepper is a creeping plant. “The plant needs posts to climb on,” the center states. Commonly used support trees – which are planted ahead of time- include “ipil-ipil,” “madre de cacao,” and “dapdap.”  The support s must be at least three to four meters high, 2.5 meters between rows.

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