Biological pesticides
The use of commercial pesticides kills; not only the target insect pests, but also beneficial
insects like spider, grasshoppers and others. Besides this, it leaves residues in the plant
where it is sprayed, and is harmful to the person spraying. If inhaled, pesticide can cause
cancer in the long run.
Pesticides chemically prepared are expensive; we have plants that naturally repel harmful
insect at no cost, such as:
1. Wild pepper – dried and pulverized
– Spray on infected plants. When this becomes moist from dew, insect pests are repelled.
2. Combination of 3 pieces of garlic, 2 pieces pepper, and 2 piece onions grind and pulverize
these, soak overnight in water. By next morning, fill up the water to make 3 gallons. Strain and
spray on affected plants.