Marigold Herbal properties

Marigold’s scientific name is Tagetes erecta Linn.  commonly it is called as Ahito and Amarillo in the Philippines.  It is a good source of lutein, Roots can be use as laxative. Continue reading “Marigold Herbal properties”

Abang abang herbal medicine



Aquilicia sambucina Blanco
Leea sambucina Blanco
Leea xubra F. Vill.
Leea palawanensis Elm.
Local names: Abang-abang (Tag.); alumamani (Ilk.); amamali (Pang., P. Bis.); ayaman kilat (Sbl.); garadat (Bik.); himamalak (P. Bis.); imamangal (Tagb.); kalakal (Ig.); kaliantan (Tag.); kulatai (Tagb.); mali-mali (Tag., Pamp.); taliantan (Tag.); tumbosut (P. Bis.); ulumamani (Pang.); vodadin (Iv.).
Abang-abang is common in thickets and secondary forests at low and medium altitudes throughout the Philippines. It also occurs in Formosa, the Caroline Islands and Yap.
This is a smooth or nearly smooth shrub or small tree 3 to 6 meters in height. The leaves are three to four times pinnately compound and 50 to 80 centimeters long. The leaflets are elliptic-ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 6 to 15 centimeters long, toothed at the margins pointed at the tip and rounded or somewhat pointed at the base. The flowers are borne on large cymes, up to 50 centimeters in diameter, are five-parted and about 3 millimeters long; a few open at a time; the stalks and the calyx are red and the petals pale yellow. The fruit is dark red, depressed-globose, and about 8 millimeters in diameter.

According to Guerrero, the roots, branches, and leaves of this species used in decoction, are considered vulnerary.


Eucalyptus deglupta

Eucalyptus deglupta

Scientific name:

Eucalyptus deglupta, eucalyptus, binacag, eucalyptus multiflora, eucalyptus naudiniana


Uses antiseptic and deodorant – apply crushed leaves on affected area.

Cough and asthma –take decoction of leaves and tea.

Insect repellant – burn leaves.



Volatile oil, phellandrene, aldehydes, and ketones, 33%, phenol  9.


Source: national formulary

Dita herbal medicine


Scientific name:

Alstonia scholaris, Echites scholaris, Nerium tinctorium


Also known as: Alipauen, alstonia, andarayan, Australian fever bark, Australian quinine bark, bita, bitter bark, dalipauen, devils tree, dirita, ditaa, dilupaon, lava, lipauen, milky pine, oplai, pasuit, polai, tanitan, tangitang, white cheese wood.


Use bark for herbal preparation.


Boil- Apply milky latex as poultice over affected area.

Chronic diarrhea- take 1% decoction of bark as tea.

Fever- take 1% decoction of bark as tea.

Malaria- take 5% decoction of bark as tea.

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