How much is Potato corner’s Franchise?

How much is Potato corner’s Franchise?


This might be the first question you would ask yourself especially seeing those people lining up on the store.  Food business is always a good business.  French fries business is a good investment. Filipino loves French fries and you won’t go wrong with it.

The good thing with Potato Corner’s franchise is that you have a lot of option to fit your budget. Franchise could start as low as 200,000 up to 1.5 million in investment. Choices are from School cart (200,000) , standard cart (350,000), Kiosk w/o roof and seating (600t-800t), kiosk with roof and seating (800t-1 million), in-line store (1m-1.5 million) and In-line store with seating (1.5m above). Included in the package are cart/kiosk, franchisee fee, small wares and equipment, initial supplies, training for franchisee and crew.

For updated info check website

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