Chemical fertilizer application

Rules on the application of chemical fertilizers


For best result, the application of the fertilizers must be done in the right way. To use fertilizer scantily in efforts at thrift only result in harvest poorer than if no fertilizer had been used.


Manner of applying fertilizer and lime


A.      Lowland Rice


1. Broadcast the recommended quantity of phosphate with one-half of the nitrogen fertilizer.

Do this before leveling the rice field before transplanting seedlings.


2. Broadcast the remaining half of the nitrogen fertilizer three(3) weeks before the flowering of the play. Do this when the leaves of the play are dry.


3. Dry the field first before broadcasting the fertilizer. Three days after the broadcasting, irrigate the field little by little.


B.      Upland Rice


1. Broadcast all of the recommended phosphate fertilizer before planting the palay.

2. Divide the potash into two parts and the nitrogen into three parts.

3. Mix one part of the potash to one part nitrogen and broadcast this at the last harrowing of the field.

4. Mix the half of potash to one part nitrogen and broadcast four(4) weeks planting.

5. Broadcast the remaining nitrogen three(3) weeks before flowering.


C.      Corn


1.Mix half of the nitrogen to all of the phosphate and potash fertilizers. Calculate the amount to be applied for every hill, with the distances of the plants as guide, or too over all number of hills for every hectare.


2. Apply the mixed complete fertilizer mentioned on top of the furrows where the grains of corn will be planted.


3. Cover the soil with fertilizer about two (2) inches deep so that the fertilizer and the planted grain will not soon meet.


4. Plant the grain on top of this and cover again with soil.


5. Mix up the remaining nitrogen fertilizer and equal amount of dry powdered soil.


6. When the plants are knee-high, put the fertilizer on the hills 3-4 inches away from the plants.


7. For dry season planting, apply all the recommended quantity of fertilizer at planting time, or three (3) weeks after, in the manner mentioned.


D.      Tobacco


1.Mix all recommended nitrogen fertilizer and potash, divide into two parts.


2. Mix one part with all necessary phosphate fertilizer.


3. Apply the mixed complete fertilizer on every hill, 3-4 weeks around the base of each plant, two weeks after transplanting the seedling. Cover the fertilizer thinly with soil.


4. Apply the remaining mixed fertilizer 30 days after the first application.


E.       Peanuts


1.Mix up all recommended kinds and quantity of fertilizers.


2. Apply these on hills and where the seeds will be planted.


3. Cover the fertilizer with 2 inches of soil and plant on this the grain of peanut. Cover again with soil.


F.       Potatoes


1.Mix up all recommended amount of superphosphate and Maviate of Potash in one half of recommend amount of ammonium sulfate.


2. Put the fertilizer on the hill – three (3) inches at the side and the three (3) inches below the

seedling. Cover the seedling with soil and compact the soil.


3. Apply the half of the ammonium sulfate row by row 3-4 inches apart 4-5 weeks after planting. Cover the fertilizer with soil.


From: Principles in the Application of fertilizers

Bureau of Soils JANUARY 1990

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