Cabbage farming


Cabbage is considered an important part of a well-balanced diet. It is usually eaten fresh or combined with other foods.

It contains protein, carbohydrates, vitamin and different minerals which are essential body requirements. The varieties of cabbage are Succession, all head early, Charleston,  make field, exhuizen glory, Copenhagen market, marion market, golden arce and early plant dutch. Lately, two outstanding japenese hybrids, KY and KK have been successfully grown under lowland conditions in the country.

Cabbage grows at sea level up to 1,900 meter above sea level. It is ideally grown in well-drained clay loam or sandy loam with plenty of organic matter.

It is commonly grown at the end of the rainy season or from September to March.


How to plant

Sow the seeds in seed boxes or in seed beds 10 cm deep, 45 cm wide and 60 cm long. The developing seedlings are fertilized with ammonium sulphate.

Plow and harrow the field twice before transplanting to reduce the soil into fine tilth. Make one meter wide plots and remove weeds. Scatter well-decayed organice matter and pulverized the soil while mixing it with the former.

Transplant only vigorous seedlings which are three (3) to four (4) weeks old and 4 inches high. Separate them 45 cm apart (square) in plots. Water and provide shade. Transplant during cloudy days or late in the afternoon in order that the seedlings will not wilt.

Cultivate and water the plants alternately before heading stage. Weeding should be done when teh seedlings are about six (6) to eight (8) inches tall.

Use 250 to 300 kg of ammonium sulphate or 110 to 135 kg of urea per hectare to attain sufficient size. For best results, apply organic or compost fertilizer.

Spray the plants with insecticides and copper fungicides at 10 to 14 days interval to prevent the occurrence of pests and diseases.

Crop rotation, use of well-drained soil, good management practices and avoiding heavy seedlings in the seed bed help prevent the occurrence of plant disease.


Source: DA

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