How to Prepare the Misting Bed?
- A misting bed is a ground bed where cuttings are being rooted. Make a misting bed under the trees and near a water source. It can either be square or rectangular depending on the quantity of cuttings to be propagated. If large quantity of planting materials is to be propagated, construct a 3 m x 5m misting bed.
- Use hollow blocks as borders and then fill the chamber with sand until the brim.
What are the Steps in Preparing Planting Materials?
- Select planting materials only from healthy clumps. Select 1-to-2 year old culms. The nodes must have well developed buds from the base to the top.
- Cut the selected culms from the clump. Do not remove the buds in the nodes.
- Cut the culms into one-node sections. Cut at 2-3 in below the node and 4-5 in above the node.
- Set the cuttings in the misting bed in slanting position. Expose the branch stub above the bed. This position enhances the emergence of shoots.
- Keep the misting bed moist to enhance the emergence of shoots and roots. Water the cutting by misting for 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon.
- A sprinkler can be used in the absence of mist sprayer. Water the cuttings twice in the morning and in the afternoon.
- After 15-25 days, transplant the rooted cuttings into 7 in x 7 in x 11 in plastic bag.
- Mix ordinary garden soil and sand at 1:1 ratio. Fill half of the plastic bag with the mixture and then place the rooted cuttings. Fill the remaining half of the plastic bag with soil mixture.
- Place the seedlings under the trees. In the absence of trees, provide a shade for the seedlings.
- After two months, transfer the seedlings into the open to harden the newly developed shoots. The seedlings can be transplanted into the field after 6-12 months.
- Water the seedlings and spray fungicide to protect and control the spread of disease.
- Fertilize each seedling with 20 g of 14-14-14 NPK.
- Cut all roots protruding from the plastic bag to prevent them from growing into the ground.
- Remove weeds that compete with the development of seedlings.
What are the Steps in Field Planting?
Bamboo can survive even in semi-arid and marginal areas. However, it grows best in riverbanks or in fields where there are enough moisture or water. The following are the steps in planting the bamboo in the field.
- Transplant the propagule at a spacing of 7m x 7m.
- Dig 50 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm holes. Place the top soil on one side and the subsoil on the other side.
- Carefully remove the propagule from the plastic bag before putting into the hole. Refill the hole with the topsoil first and then with the subsoil.
- Mulch the newly planted seedlings with rice straw or decomposing grasses to maintain skil moisture.
- Clean the surroundings of the newly planted seedlings. Do not spray chemical weedicides because it may kill the plants.
- Fertilize bamboo plants one month after transplanting or after they have recovered. Dibble the fertilizer around the plants, 30 cm away from the base. Per hectare, apply 20-30 kg phosphate (2-3 bags of ammonium sulfate), 10-50 kg phosphate (2-3 bags of superphosphate) and 20-30 kg silica. Repeat application after 4 months or depending upon the need of the plant.
- Fence the plantation to prevent the entry of stray animals.