Premna caranii H. Lam.

Premna oblongata Miq. var. puberula H. Lam.

Premna pubescens Blume var. odorata H. Lam.

Premna serratiflolia Blanco.

Premna vestita Schauer


Other names: Alagau , abgau , adgau, adiyo, agbau, agdau, alagau,  anobran, argau, duragau , guachal, lagau, lassi, pumuhat tangli, tibangñgen.


Alagau is common in thickets and secondary forest at a low altitude, sometimes purposely planted around dwellings from the Batan Islands and northern Luzon to Mindanao, in most island provinces. This species is found only in the Philippines.

This plant is small, hairy tree 3 to 8 meters in height. The leaves are ovate to broadly ovate and 10 to 20 centimeters long, with broad, rounded or somewhat heart-shaped base, and pointed tip. These are very aromatic when crushed. The flowers are greenish-white or nearly white, 4 to 5 millimeters long and borne on terminal inflorescences (cymes) 8 to 20 centimeters in diameter. The fruit is fleshy, dark purple, rounded and about 5 millimeters in diameters. Continue reading “ALAGAU”